Thursday, March 22, 2007

Back at the Homefront

While Joe and Josiah ventured off to Nebraska, Jacob and I stayed home and enjoyed some quiet.

We had several appointments to go to, and I confess I enjoyed it just being mommy and baby.
Jacob battled a little virus for a few days. Not strep, and no fever, but his poor little cry got pretty hoarse before he got better.
Other than that, Jacob is doing very well. He's growing! He is now 14 pounds and 23 inches long. Not bad for a 7 weeker.
I enjoyed watching a few chick flicks and catching up on some spring organizing projects at home while my men were gone.
So as I'm sitting here typing this, Josiah is singing Zaccheus and it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Happy sigh.

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