Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Joe Gets A New Job

I have recently been hired at the local UBC (United Builder Corporation). Though I did take a bit of a paycut, the hours are much better and there is great opportunity for growth in the company. UBC hires 90% of sales people and 99% of managers from w/i its own company. Further, most of these hires started from the ground up, being a delivery driver.

I spend the majority of my day taking breaks. I try to squeeze in a delivery or two between breaks, if possible... Obviously, it is a much different pace than my previous job with Pepsi. Pepsi itself was a great job, and I left on great terms w/ the owner... However, my only certain future with Pepsi was going to be rotator surgery!

I actually already have 2 "promotions" due to my experience at Pepsi and working w/ Dad. I am officially a "experienced" driver. My next promotion will be salesman... Anybody wanna buy some lumber?

I mainly drive around our big International dump-bed delivery truck. I am being sent for training for a monster boom truck that we just acquired. This truck will be used mainly for shingle, OSB, drywall, and trusses. It is remote controlled/ joystick controlled. I am the only one from our location that is being sent! I am quite excited! I've already been driving it around the yard and practicing... Shifting through 12 gears takes a lot of practice...

I really enjoy my job and so far it has also been a great family decision too! Josiah got to sit in my semi the other day... He thought the air horn was quite neat... He also enjoyed the dump bed!

BWAAH-BWAAH (sound of air horn)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh, that's too funny! I'm so glad you get to spend more time with the family. I think Leverton men are prone to work too hard, but it's nice to see how important your family is to you. (Of course, the breaks are nice as well!)

Take care!