Joe is back with a brand new addition... Thanks, Vanilla.
Actually, much belated thanks to all those who came to help on the addition. Things are going well, but slowly. Working full-time, being a youth pastor "part"-time, and... well all the things a busy dad does makes for slow going...
I am nearly ready for drywall (which will change the look in a hurry.) As I was ripping out the old bathroom, I decided that all the joists and EVERYTHING needed to get ripped out... That was fun. But, I got that done, the new floor put down, and the partition walls put up. I got the rest of the overhang cut down, the walls all plumbed up, the cathedral framed in, the interior walls put up, some recessed shelving put in, the new stack put in, the electrical mainly put in, proper vents up, insulation ready to go, floor leveled up, windows put in, soffit and fascia put on, gutters put on, old stool/sink/tub ripped out, old plumbing ripped out, new plumbing ready to go, 3 loads of junk dumped and burned, and probably a few other things...
Our Fall Unit at youth group has begun. We are "Diving Deeper" as a theme. We have begun the "People of" curriculum... The first week was "Passion" and the 2nd was "Problems." We have a special speaker this Wednesday, Sept 19. On September 26 we will be studying People of Prayer. (It is also the National Day of Prayer.) In Sunday School, I have concluded our summer unit on the parables of Christ (all 39 of them). Our new unit is "Heroes of the Faith." We have begun with my personal favorite, Martin Luther.
Things at UBC are still going well. One of our drivers has called it quits... Our new driver has started. I am still working at the counter and driving. I'm the only guy who drives our big boom truck, as it is too difficult for any of the other guys to figure out. The boom is great for drywall. I had a few to 3rd story windows last week. (The last was on Friday in the midst of a stiff breeze... a little tricky!)
Family life, as usual, is absolutely splendid. Jacob ("Heavy Duty") is sitting up, starting to crawl, and ready for Algebra 2. His newest thing is a superb "speed boat" impersonation. Just imagine a chunky kid with loads of spit. (or remember back to Andy as a babe!) Josiah is loving school... He is a pretty good help around the house. He really enjoys going out to our friend's to empty the junk wagons.
Pray for us in regards to this rather busy schedule... Also please pray as our house (especially the kitchen) is constantly a mess...[due to construction (me) and not Kathy!]
Much thanks again for all those who helped (or gave up their hubby for a loooong day).
It is greatly appreciated.