Sunday, February 25, 2007

Big Wet Snow

Well, over this weekend (Feb 23/24/25), we have received about 8" of snow... some rain... and large bundles of cash. Except we didn't get the cash in large bundles. We actually didn't get ANY cash... can you believe that?

Jacob is doing well. He is not much of a cryer (crier?), but he is a bit of a groaner/ grunter. If you have seen the cinematic film "Ice Age" or its sequel "Ice Age 2: the Revenge of Sid" you may recall a squirrel-type character who is always after an acorn that simply refuses to be eaten. Anyway, the squirrel is named Scrat and, when reaching for his acorn, makes a grunting, groaning, strectching noise... Jacob sounds like that... So, as a result, I obviously refer to him as "Diego." No, wait! I actually call him Scrat!

Kathy is doing well. Josiah is doing well. I am doing well. Actually, we all have colds.


Rachel said...

Hey ya'll! So glad you finally started a blog. I've been trying to convince Kathy of the necessity of one for ages! (hee hee). Now I can gloat, "see told ya' so!"

Sorry you all have colds. Icky weather, too.

Hey, you need to put a link to my blog on your site :) No, seriously, don't feel it's necessary. I'm not sure I want Matt knowing that I have a blog . . .

My blog site is

bob said...


Glad to finally see a picture of the babe.

We had some snow, thunder, cash, and wind as well. I saved the cash for the new big fat electric bill. Our power was off for about 10 minutes, so perhaps next month's bill will not be so big. Then I will keep the cash, or maybe rent Ice Age II.

I saw it and found it quite amusing. I sort of think some sort of law should be passed against writing cartoon that tend to exploit its character. I mean, come on... Scrat should at least get an acorn once in two films.

"I saved you little buddy!"