Thursday, June 14, 2007

Chubba Bubba

I took Jacob in for his 4 month checkup last Tuesday. He's almost 20 lbs and 27 inches long! The 20 lbs didn't surprise me because I carry him around everyday and have noticed that I'm acquiring biceps now. : ) But the 27 inches long part did surprise me. Nice to see him growing so well though. Jacob is turning into such a funny baby. He loves to look right at people's faces and "talk" back to you. Joe can really make him laugh. It's a goofy Ernie-sounding laugh.

We've been enjoying our summer. I've been doing a lot of re-evaluating the last few weeks. MOPS is over and that's been a wonderful thing! I've decided to quit working Tuesdays at the library, at least for the summer. Then I can decide again in the fall if I'm ready to work a weekday again. I still work Saturday mornings, but that's not nearly so stressful as Joe is usually home and I don't have to worry about cleaning my house for a babysitter to come over! ; )

We are doing the summer reading program at our library and that's been lots of fun. I didn't realize how many books Josiah and I read together until we started charting them for prizes! Makes me feel good as a mom. : )

Our neighbor Jamie put up a decent sized inflatable pool for her 5 year old son Nathan. They don't mind us using it during the day when they're gone. That's been lots of fun on these hot afternoons.

Oh and I've done some garage-saling too. Though I don't seem to hit the jackpot like Rachel does (nerd!) but I've found a few cute things here and there. And Josiah really gets into it too. I didn't think he'd like hopping in and out of the car/stroller, but he considers it an adventure.

Well, that's our little update for now. Take care everyone!


Rachel said...

:)- (Sticking tongue out at you!)

Are you coming this weekend for Father's Day? Love to see you and your "Chubba Bubba!"

Rachel said...

Oh Gosh, completely forgot to call you back! So sorry! ARG!

Thanks for the phone call, and I'll try to ring you later tonight or tomorrow (must finish Potter, first!)

I enjoyed looking through the magazine, but there wasn't really anything I wanted to get right now. Thanks for asking, though, and I hope your party went really well! That was very nice to think of me!