Saturday, June 2, 2007

A Special Day

The low hum of a box fan was all that could be heard in the modest, two-story home. Somewhere on the first floor a gray, fluffy cat was prowling about searching for a sun-lit patch of carpeting. The early morning sun was indeed just beginning to creep through the partially drawn curtains. Today was a special day.

On the second floor, a black on gray cat could be seen perched near the edge of a dresser. With a quick twitch and a soft thu-thump, the cat jumped to the floor and made its way to the edge of a bed. The cat boldly announced the beginning of the day with sharp, trilling "rowr." From the pillows, a muffled voice clumsily responded, "Copy, go downstairs." However, Copy was far too determined to wake the would-be sleeper... Soon, a steady stream of "rowrs" could be heard in the bedroom. As if in answer, a quiet voice from the adjacent room began to quietly sing. The man pulled his head from the pillows and listened groggily as the words "a wee little man was he" could be dimly heard coming through the walls. With a quick smile and shake of the head the man swung out of bed.

As he stumbled out the door towards the adjacent room, the singing abruptly stopped, then began again. The sweet singer had switched songs. Now the words "I am one of them and so are you" could be heard. The man quietly opened the door; however, the door would not be quietly opened and announced its opening with a shrill squeek.

The singing stopped once again. The singer was standing in the middle of his bed with a "friend," a blue, stuffed puppy. The singer gave the man a huge smile and said, "Is today this morning, Daddy?"

The man couldn't help but smile... and then affirm, "Yes, today is this morning, Josiah."


The Daddy couldn't help but to agree. This day, like every other day, truly was... special.

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